Sunday, October 17, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

Reading the Sunday paper cover to cover in PJ's on the couch while the house is silent...iced tea...smoothies...watching Stella do "downward facing-dog"...cute text pics from friends (Melissa) for no niece Grace when she says "Sarah!!!!!"...mindless reality tv...thunderstorms...the smell of dryer sheets...folding laundry...walks with the dogs in the morning when we have the world to ourselves...the smell of white tea oil...a good night's sleep...ceiling skinny jeans fitting...bubble baths...finding money..."Rock me Amadeus"...a novel so good I can't put it down...when my wedding ring catches the light and reminds me how lucky I am...short pregnant women...motivation to do yoga...doing my body feels after yoga...journaling...praying...kneeling at a Catholic church just being with me and God...Christmas...the first snowfall...the smell of coffee in the morning...people watching on the Plaza...high-heeled shoes that are comfortable...the word "copasetic"...watching my brother with his mom's step-dad's "yeah!"...hand massages...paying all my bills and having money left-over...dreaming and reaching my goals...clarity...celebrity gossip..."Johnny and June" sister's cooking...remembering Tyler...painting pottery...driving alone with the radio cranked...crunching leaves beneath my feet...when I come home to Kurt and the dogs waiting for me on the porch...road trips with my husband...planning...schedules...routine...forgiving...a good cry...Jolie Justus...realizing I can't control the other person...letting go...Iowa Hawkeye football...a day with nothing to do...guilty pleasures: Facebook and The Hills...Say Yes to the Dress...the underdog winning...writing a really good sentence...alliteration...laughing so hard I cry...clean floors...clean counters...veggie sandwiches...hope...Max and Leo playing...making a difference...knwoing that while we cannot save all the starfish I made a difference in the life of that one, and that Grandma pixie cut...growing my hair out...knowing I will someday go back to my pixie cut...SUV's...dusk...dawn...thrift stores...smelly soaps..."Ice Ice Baby"...complimenting someone who wasn't expecting it...smiling at a stranger...saying hello to the hopeless...a gap in traffic...Max nudging my hand to pet him....Max becoming really persistent until I do pet him...clean with an old friend...a truce...agreeing to disagree...respect...Barack Obama...confidence...

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