Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Relief. Major relief.

So, we left the doctor last Monday, a week and two days ago, with them sending my blood into the Mayo Clinic for more testing. There are many reasons why ovaries fail. Some causes are not too terrible while one cause can be the dreaded "C".

Well I've been sweating a little bit the past 8 days 4 hours and 16 minutes...give or take...BUT the doctor called just a short while ago and told me I do not have anything but ovarian failure! This is me doing my happy dance because ovarian cancer was a slight maybe....

So, I messaged my family, called my husband to tell them all the good news...that my ovaries failed. Nothing else. I'm healthy as a 55 year-old woman. (insert smiley emoticon here)

When I called my husband I heard an odd noise in the background. I asked what it was.

"Oh, that's Stella." He said.

I laughed.

He said, "She's kind of half yawning half making that happy noise."

I laughed again. "Why?"

"Cause I'm laying with her."

Awwww I am SO BLESSED. I really am.